Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant

VIP Hair Transplant

FUE Hair Transplant

DHI Hair Transplant

Robotic Hair Transplant

Sedated Hair Transplant

TDF Hair Transplant
Hair Transplant
Hair Transplant
VIP Hair Transplant
FUE Hair Transplant
DHI Hair Transplant
Robotic Hair Transplant
Sedated Hair Transplant
TDF Hair Transplant
Hair transplantation is a surgical operation that many people apply because of their hair loss problems. Hair loss; It can occur due to genetics, irregular diet, stress and many health problems. Hair transplantation is performed to get rid of the results of hair loss that causes baldness, which is generally called masculine shedding. Hair loss; PRP can be stopped with different methods such as mesotherapy and laser. However, in some hair applications, successful results cannot be obtained with these methods and baldness may continue. In such cases, how is the hair transplant procedure performed?
Hair transplantation occurs with 4 main basic stages. At the beginning of these stages
Hair transplantation operations are performed with local anesthesia. Local anesthesia is performed by using the appropriate injection to the operation area. This process is applied at the beginning and is very important for a painless post-operative period.
Channels are opened accordingly. During this stage, the size, direction and correct channel opening of the channels are very important to obtain a natural image.
After local anesthesia, hair follicles are collected one by one and transplanted. The operation and success of the operation is very important in order to prevent the hair follicles, which we call graft, from being damaged or damaged. The nape area, which we call the special donor area, is the best area for grafts to be collected and to obtain efficient results. Patients with weak donor area can be collected from the beard and chest area and sowing can be performed. However, it does not provide as much efficiency as the nape region.
At the last stage of the transplantation process, after the correct plan, hair follicles (grafts) are placed in the opened channels with the right angle and care, and the operation is completed. This procedure continues to show the effect of anesthesia until the end, and there is no feeling of pain in any way.
Fue Hair Transplantation is done with the help of FUE micro motor. Grafts are transplanted one by one and placed in the opened channels. With the manual placement of the grafts into the channels, a very natural appearance is created.
The only difference between Sapphire FUE hair transplantation and normal FUE hair transplantation is the use of a special sapphire-tipped pen during the grooving process, unlike metal slits. The sapphire tip pen has a great contribution in accelerating the healing process. For this reason, it is one of the methods preferred by patients.
Robotic method in hair transplantation, hair follicles are transplanted with the help of a robot. Other operations are performed in the same way as the normal hair transplant operation.
The difference of this operation from other operations is the medical (DHI) pen that we use for channel opening. In this process, the grooving application and the planting process are applied at the same time.
FUE in hair transplantation; The most important difference from other operations is that the grafts are collected in groups, using medical tape, not one by one.
In addition to the hair transplant operations we have described and mentioned so far, non-surgical hair transplant is also possible. The difference of non-surgical hair transplant operation from other operations is that no needles are applied in practice. Two different ways can be followed in non-surgical sowing. These two differences; cell root application and mesotherapy treatment.
In the cellular root application, hair follicles are collected with the help of a micro motor. The biggest advantage of the cellular root application is that the grafts are nourished and the hair becomes much stronger.
In mesotherapy; It is a process that helps to slow down hair loss and both removes the shed hair and helps the weak hair to grow stronger and re-grow. Vitamins, proteins and many nutritionally effective substances are injected into the skin of the patient. In mesotherapy, the feeling of pain is minimized and vitamins and protein-containing substances are injected into the skin by injection.
Hair transplantation is a very sensitive and careful process. For this reason, alcohol should not be used at least 3 days before the hair transplant procedure. Alcohol; it both causes the blood to be diluted and is very important for the grafts not to adhere. Thus, the use of blood thinners and substances is very dangerous. If used, heavy bleeding may occur during the procedure.
It may be necessary to list the points to be considered after hair transplantation as follows.
It is very useful to do the washing application on the 3rd day after the procedure. After hair transplantation, washing should be done with special lotions and shampoos. After the scalp is softened with the help of massage with a special lotion suitable for the treatment, it is necessary to clean and relax the hair by gently massaging with shampoo. After the 3rd day wash, the hair should be washed every day as described for the next 8 days, and this is very important.
After the hair transplantation procedure, it is essential not to be exposed to direct sun until the grafts lengthen and achieve a natural appearance.
In hair transplantation; It is a procedure that is generally applied to patients with hair loss due to genetic hair loss and family history. For this reason, the most popular aesthetic intervention in men is hair transplantation.
With this; those who have baldness in the hair or eyebrow areas after burning; patients who have had a hair transplant procedure before but did not leave the operation happy; Patients who experience thinning, baldness and intense hair loss due to some chronic disorders are suitable for hair transplantation. Those who want to have a hair transplant operation do not have to wait for complete baldness and thinning.
There is no age restriction for hair transplantation. Anyone, male or female, can have hair transplantation as long as there are sufficient hair follicles in the donor (neck) area.
Hair transplant results may differ from person to person. Details such as the age, hair type, gender, skin color, rate and speed of the shedding, whether the shedding continues or not should be followed up by specialist doctors, approval should be given and then the procedure should be applied. Considering all these processes, the patient should be informed, and the evaluations after hair transplantation should be concluded by taking these factors into account.
In order to evaluate the result of hair transplantation, you should consider the area where the drawing was made after the decision you made with your doctor. The number of grafts collected, the suitability of the grafts for planting and quality, the adequacy of the hair transplant area, your genetic and chronic structure, the drugs you are using, any disease you have had affect the results of the hair transplant operation.
The choice of hospital or the importance of the hair transplant clinic is very important for the results of the hair transplant operation. The experience of your doctor and his team is extremely important for placing the collected good and quality grafts at the right angle.
Hair transplant prices may vary by patient. Patients with intense baldness problems are informed for 2 sessions of operation. Different procedures and overtimes may be spent compared to patients with skin deformation visible from the head area, and those whose operation prices can be a completely normal operation. Thus, there may be a price difference. Therefore, the presence of surgical procedures may cause increases in prices.
Another important issue in determining the prices in the hair transplant operation is the effort and time spent during the hair transplant operation. In addition, hair transplantation operations fees are related to the clinic where the procedure will be performed and the level of competence of the doctor who will perform the hair transplantation. Factors suitable for hair transplantation are as follows:
With the selection of a patient-specific plan program, quality team and equipment, the success rate in hair transplantation procedures is quite high and guaranteed.
There is no age limit or restriction.
Since sedation is injected by the anesthesia technicians in the hair transplant operation, no pain or pain is felt. It is applied locally.
There are some items that should be considered after hair transplantation. Oily, excessive salt consumption, spicy foods are among the things to be considered after the operation. There is no need for a special nutrition program afterward. The person can continue to eat normally.
Hair transplantation is not considered appropriate for patients with advanced heart disease.
For an efficient hair transplant procedure, there are some points to be considered before the hair transplant operation:
The results after hair transplantation can be counted as age, nutrition program, healing time of open wounds, hormonal balance, hair skin and color, genetic factors, quality of hair grafts, and factors affecting hair transplantation results.
In addition to some physical characteristics that differ from patient to patient, the chronic characteristics of the hair are very effective in the success of transplantation. Hair features, color, quality of the hair and shape of the hair. The direction of your hair growth and the quality of the hair follicles also affect the density of the newly transplanted hair and the result of hair transplantation.
The number of hair strands in the hair follicle is one of the factors affecting the results of hair transplantation. After examining the hair follicles collected from the back of the ear, above the ear and the nape area, which will not fall out, and making sure that they are of good quality and suitable, the transplant operation should be decided.
Collected and transplanted grafts (hair follicles) have the feature of not falling out if care is taken and they are permanent for a lifetime.
The most suitable area for hair transplantation is the nape area. However, if there is neck weakness in male patients, the chest and beard area are suitable areas.
The duration of hair transplantation is proportional to the number of grafts to be operated. The operation takes 8-9 hours on average.
It may differ according to the method of the operation and the preference of the patient. In order to be more efficient, the hair is generally shaved. However, in some possible special cases, hair transplantation can be performed without cutting the hair.
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